Donec sed odio dui. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris Ornare condimentum nibhr. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Bloodwood is located at latitude 33 degrees and 15 minutes South and longitude 149 degrees and 2 minutes East at an elevation of between 810 m (2657 ft) and 860 m (2,809 ft) above sea level in the wonderful Orange sub region of the Central Ranges GIC of New South Wales, Australia. Tell your taxi driver we are 275 kms (165 miles) west, north-west of Sydney; sit back and relax!
When you leave Orange heading north west towards Molong, Wellington and Dubbo on the Mitchell Highway (No 32), Griffin Road (our road) is left off the highway just after Broken Shaft Creek, exactly 3.5 kilometres beyond the 100 kph speed sign on the outskirts of Orange. If you are approaching Orange from Molong or Wellington , turn right into Griffin Road straight after you go through the first highway cutting 2 kms beyond the Orange 10 kms sign.
The entrance to Griffin Road from either direction is quite sharp, so for safety sake, tell the cabbie to take it easy.
PH: +61 2 6362 5631
Snail mail
Bloodwood Wines Pty Ltd
PO Box 453
Orange NSW 2800
(say this out loud to yourself, preferably in the privacy of your own home)
bloodwood dot wines at gee mail dot com
Cellar door visits
Bloodwood is open by appointment only. Please contact Stephen or Rhonda Doyle before you venture out to the vineyard so we can be here to welcome you!
231 Griffin Road Orange, NSW 2800
Other Locations
Five Ways Cellars
Bloodwood is also available from the erudite and highly informative Ian Cook at Five Ways Cellar. Cookie and his staff run the best specialist wine cellar in Sydney and are well worth a visit for hard to find quality wines. If you want to be included in Cookie's Email list for the best wine releases in Australia, contact him at
Five Ways Celllars
4 Heeley Street
Paddington, Sydney
ph: 02-93604242