Virgo Dinner Party
In my experience the eating habits of my Virgos are markedly different to those of our Leo friends.
They both want to look good at all costs. However, your typical Virgo eats practically and mostly for reasons of good health and well-being. Valuing cleanliness above everything else, being neat, tidy, and with a huge fear of filth and messiness, your Virgo generally doesn't actually cook. But if they do, it’s all a rather short order and short shrift affair. Shortcuts are definitely to order...
Continuing on the theme of healthy, wise and well, as all good Virgos do, this main will continue the process of nourishing your guests, contributing to their overall good health and wellbeing.
Best served with Bloodwood's 2011 Shiraz
More Virgoan health, lightness and welbeing in this nutritious salad.
(Only the one entree, dear).
Best served with Bloodwood's 2014 Riesling
Remember to vacuum any bread crumbs off the carpet...