Geoff Cowey and Mike de Garis
Stephen Doyle
Geoff Cowey (AWRI) A Local Beardy and Mike De Garis at the 2009 Duckless New England Wine Show
"Ye gods - are you talking about the same person- I don't resemble him....well- the teeth maybe - but they were substituted for a meal of New England duck, which is still winging its way to the ....I'm not sure.
It's a bit strange when you see grown men wandering around calling 'ducky, ducky - where are you' or because it was in New England - 'here ducky, ducky - where hast thou'!
El Shaky Spear" M. De Garis 31/10/2009
Learn more about Mick and his strange life at : http://www.private schools for all.con.Hey YOU!
Learn About Geoff and his running madness at: http://www.Geoff Goes Running for some obscure reason
New England Duckless Wine Show Contacts: http://www.duckless wineshow.htm